"The popular question: is there happiness at work?"
"Our most productive workers are those who are happy in life, and happy people love their work and consider it an important part of their lives. Work should bring pleasure and promote creative potential. The employee is not the company's property, but it’s face "- says the trainer of personnel development department, Olga.
We believe that we have people who are inspired by the friendly and family-comfortable atmosphere in the team. Our good tradition has been the celebration of our small victories and great achievements, and we are convinced that we are united by a common goal and the shared success of our achievement.
As PrimoCollect is an international company and our offices are split by kilometers ... - it is not a reason to postpone our meetings! We have regular TV / online broadcasts, where from the General Director of the PrimoCollect Group we find out about the company's results, news, strategic plans and where every employee can receive personal thanks and recognition for the good results of work, which motivates and provides positive emotions. P.S. We share photos from our corporate highlights in our Facebook group - "PrimoCollectFamily".
What is the romance of corporate culture? We asked Senior HR Irina ...
- "They say that every woman has a secret book of recipes that helps her to make people fall in love with her... Irina, we are sure, that in your book there is a magic recipe: " How to be happy at work ", please, share it?"
- "Of course, every woman has some of her secret recipes. I am not an exception. But at the same time, there is no special secret - if you do what you love, what inspires, recharges and delights you, then you radiate positive attitude and thus conquer people with your sincerity and frankness. "Unconditional positive attitude towards the person, reliance on what is positive in person" - this is my secret;)
secret - if you do what you love, what inspires, recharges and delights you, then you radiate positive attitude and thus conquer people with your sincerity and frankness. "Unconditional positive attitude towards the person, reliance on what is positive in person" - this is my secret;)